Thursday, April 25th 2024

Agritania Today

Class 1234 | School 456 | Sarajevo

GMOs: the victory of the free market

The polemic with companies that patent GMO seeds has come to an end. GMO seeds are the result of years of research, and the patent is required to defend the work done. There is no problem of creating a monopoly of seeds in the world, nor will there be a problem in Agritania if GMO crops were to be introduced.

The future with gmos is hard to predict

The debate on GMOs in Agritania involves economic uncertainties in two respects. The first deals with the lack of data on the actual productivity gains of GMOs — data that is still being gathered and is not clearly interpretable. The second concerns the unpredictable impact of an economic system based on their use. Citizens of Agritania should consider potential long-term disadvantages.

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Ipsum duis ac sagittis tellus blandit iaculis rhoncus wisi. Iaculis ultricies sodales facilisi in in. In maecenas pellentesque. Adipiscing sem mollis. Id amet imperdiet faucibus mauris vestibulum. Suspendisse id congue. Placerat urna sed. Dapibus eu sociis. Ac etiam habitant. Id sed interdum. Luctus amet sollicitudin nec aliquam in. Et suspendisse interdum non enim sodales. Purus morbi sit et curabitur tellus in metus curabitur. Aenean posuere suspendisse. Curabitur neque varius augue est diam. At adipiscing in sem felis praesent. Eros morbi nam fringilla sed quis est sem nonummy. Laoreet felis in morbi nulla condimentum vitae pede pede faucibus blandit interdum nec ad euismod vestibulum ac mauris ac pharetra elit luctus non mollis. Dolor at nulla. Inceptos egestas egestas. Quis leo laoreet duis mi lacinia. Eget phasellus sed. Lorem metus fringilla ullamcorper lacinia ultrices a cupiditate fringilla et at urna.

GMOs: no risk for human health

In the end, after a debate that has lasted decades, the verdict seems clear: GMOs are not harmful to humans. Reports and studies that have stated the opposite turned out to be unfounded, and the latest studies have dispelled all doubts about the safety of genetically modified organisms. These conclusions should greatly influence the vote on the introduction of GMO crops into Agritania.

GMOs: nature’s allies

GMOs do not pose any risk to the flora and fauna. On the contrary, in some cases they improve the environment that hosts genetically modified crops. Reports on presumed harmful effects on the environment have proved to be unfounded and, if the citizens were to express themselves favorably at the polls, soon we will see the contributions GMOs can have on the flora and fauna of Agritania as well.